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By Kurt Peeplez

Don’t Let The Man In The Mirror

Block Your Pursuit Of Happiness

Motivational, Self-Help, Happiness

Don’t Let The Man In The Mirror Block Your Pursuit Of Happiness is a practical and deeply authentic guide that aims to help readers break free from self-sabotaging beliefs and dare to achieve true joy. Intertwining spiritual insights, powerful quotes, personal anecdotes, and honest advice that encourages you to reflect on your life choices. This book challenges you to break the cycle of happiness-destroying behavior, shatter in authenticity, and build an unbreakable foundation for lasting happiness.


It was a great read, and the concepts presented are a lot of  what people can relate to.  To be honest this book saved my marriage. It taught me that my happiness is not my partner’s responsibility.  It’s on me to break and if necessary re-break things in my life to achieve my happiness. Lastly, your happiness can change over time, and you must be able to communicate that to people.  ~ T. Watson


Don’t let the man in the mirror block your pursuit of happiness made me take the steps I should have months ago. Kurt Peeplez keeps one accountable by testing the understanding of honesty, faith, morality, integrity, and the ability to be vulnerable. Once you face the man in the Mirror and take the necessary action steps. you’ll be upset you didn’t read this sooner.  ~D. Duhart



A truly inspiring and helpful piece. We are often our own biggest enemy, and the only way to break free from being passive and stagnant members of our lives, is by saying enough. By taking charge. This book presents the right tools for such action. I recommend. 
~ J. Raymond

Best Selling Author

Kurt Peeplez

I am an author, business coach, youth sports coach, and entrepreneur. My two passions are fixing things and helping people. As a youth, I enjoyed taking my toys apart and putting them back together. As a football and basketball coach, I take a player’s game apart, identify the player’s strengths, opportunities, and potential and transform them into a more effective and more productive player.

As a Business Coach, I follow the same principles.  I take a deep dive into your business goals and objectives, taking them apart so to speak, analyzing the risks, strengths, and opportunities.  Then with your team’s input in the form of requirements, develop executable tasks in the form of a comprehensive project, complete with strategy and action plans.

As an author, I seek to help you identify areas in your life where you can achieve and reach higher levels of success than you thought possible. Successfully reaching your personal goals and objectives will make you more effective, more productive, and a more valuable to yourself and the people around you. 

A good coach also learns from his players. I would love to learn about you as my reader, and see how we can help each other.  Please contact me at [email protected] so we can chat.

I want to partner with my readers and provide you with valuable information to help you with the most precious areas of your life. Your buying my books isn’t how I measure success.  I measure my success by how much I have helped you.

My Books

Don’t Let The Man In The Mirror
Block Your Pursuit Of Happiness

This self-help guide takes you on a journey that will inspire you to find your true self and live a life full of joy and happiness.   Join me and let’s walk the path together in our pursuit of happiness. 

Good Is The Enemy Of Great
Don’t worry about being the greatest. You only have to getting better and better at what you do. I’ll show you how to consistently improve, so greatness will happen naturally. 

Expect The Unexpected While Overcoming Your Greatest Fears
Every fear can be overcome. You’ll find that most if not all of your fears are manageable and you will be able to negotiate the outcomes. I’ll show you.